Giraffe head

Lake mburo national park

Size: 370km2

Altitude: 1,220m - 1,828m above sea level

Wetland habitats comprise 20% of the park's surface. The parks' precarious past has seen wildlife virtually eliminated several times: firstly in various attempts to rid the region of tsetse flies, then to make way for ranches, and finally as a result of subsistence poaching.

20% of the park's entrance fee is used to fund local community projects such as building clinics and schools. Lake Mburo National Park is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of western Uganda.

It is the smallest of Uganda's savannah national parks and underlain by ancient Precambrian metamorphic rocks which date back more than 500 million years.

It is home to 350 bird species as well as zebra, impala, eland, buffalo, oribi, Defassa waterbuck, leopard, hippo, hyena, topi and reedbuck. Together with 13 other lakes in the area, Lake Mburo forms part of a 50km-long wetland system linked by a swamp. Five of these lakes lie within the park's borders.

Once covered by open savanna, Lake Mburo National Park now contains much woodland as there are no elephants to tame the vegetation.

In the western part of the park, the savanna is interspersed with rocky ridges and forested gorges while patches of papyrus swamp and narrow bands of lush riparian woodland line many lake.

Lake Mburo National Park is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the south western part of Uganda. It is the smallest of Uganda's savannah parks and is a home to more than 350 bird species as well as various zebras, impalas, elands, buffalos, oribi, Defassa waterbuck, leopard, hippo, hyena, topi and reedbuck.

Together with 13 other lakes in the area, Lake Mburo (from which the park derives her name) forms part of a 50km-long wetland. Five of these lakes lie within the park's borders. Once covered by open savanna, this supports the healthy population of Buffalos, Warthogs, bush pig and hippopotamus.

Lake Mburo National Park contains much woodland compared to other parks as there are no elephants to tame the vegetation. In the western part of the park, the savanna is interspersed with rocky ridges and forested gorges while patches of papyrus swamp and narrow bands of lush riparian woodland line many lakes shores.

Lake Mburo is notably blessed with over 350 bird species and probably the best place to view acacia-associated birds, Rwonyo is a good zone to see the mosque swallow, black bellied bustard, bare-faced-go away bird and Rappel's starling. A handful of birds is recorded essentially the southern ground hornbill and black throated barbet and the very rare African fin foot around the kigambira loop.

How to get there

By Road

Lake Mburo National Park is the closest of all Uganda's national parks to the capital city and Uganda's main Airport of Entebbe; located between Kampala and Mbarara City. The park is mainly accessed by road over a journey of approximately 228 kilometers (about 4 hours).

From Kampala, the park can be accessed through two gates. If you are traveling from Kampala, the first branch off on the left after Kageti leads you to the Nshara Gate located about 5 kilometers off the main road.

The second branch off is at Sanga Trading Center and connects to Sanga Gate at a distance of about 13 kilometers off the highway. Both gates are only about 2-3 kilometers from Rwonyo where the park's headquarters are found

By Air

Whereas there aren't any direct flights into the park, tourists can charter flights from either Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip to Mbarara airstrip through one of the domestic carriers (eagle air and aero link).

The flight takes approximately 1½ hours. You will then transfer by road to the park for a short distance of about 4o minutes. We recommend that you book your trip to Lake Mburo through a local tour company even when you are coming by air.

Origins of the park

The origin of this park started with a story of two brothers Mburo and kigarama who lived in the low-lying Savannah plains named the area Kaaro karungi (which translates to “good Village”).

One night kigarama dreamt that they were to receive heavy rains which would cause flooding destruction of their property. When Kigarama told this dream to his brother Mburo, He took it for granted and called it a big Joke.

Because dreams were highly respected in African society, Kigarama decided to leave the low-lying area and settled in the overlooking the valley leaving his brother behind.

Finally the dream came true there were heavy rains that caused flooding hence drowning Mburo with his property Hence the name Lake Mburo then the hills were named after his brother - Kigarama Hill.

Activities at Lake Mburo National Park

Boat safaris: Boat safaris give the travellers a chance to spot different bird species and wildlife like crocodiles, hippos among others

Game Drives Game Drives are another important activity that you will not miss on your trip. These game drives are categorized into day and night game drives.

Night game drives: Night game drives are conducted for those that might have missed out on the day drives or people wanting to spot the nocturnal and the shyest animals like leopards.

Sport Fishing and Fishing: Travelers who are fishers enjoy this activity and also they are joined by the locals to see how they do it locally. They get a chance to learn from the natives.

Cultural tours: Travelers get to learn and engage with the locals. Lake mburo's natives are the bahima and they display to the tourists how they rare their famous Ankole cattle, how they process milk and yoghurt, how they live and also tell stories about the national park. Travelers also visit Igongo Cultural Centre where they get a chance to learn more about the western Uganda culture.

Hiking: You will surely not regret a hike to the Kazuma lookout about 4,481 ft above sea level. Where you can get the 360 degree view of the park and catch up with the major five lakes, another Hike happens at the kigarama hill and is more a cultural adventure, where you get to hear the story of the park and how it was formed.

Nature walks: Lake Mburo national park is the only national park in Uganda, considered being safe for walking safaris, A walking safari allows a chance to get up close to Wildlife like Giraffes and take selfies, you also get a chance to get up close to nature, walking safaris are conducted with armed rangers and are considered very safe and offer maximum satisfaction to travellers.

Bird Watching: With over 350 bird species with an area of 370 sq. km, lake Mburo remains one of the rarest bird watching havens in the heart of Africa, the small area guarantees the tourist higher chances of sporting and identifying birds, this coupled with a unique ecosystem made of water, swamps, savannah and woodland, makes lake Mburo national park a special birding Haven.

Horseback riding: This is an exclusive activity offered by mihingo lodge, however the horses are not reserved for residents of this luxury lodge, they are also allowed to the other clients who are at Lake Mburo national park.

Gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda


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{"<p><br></p>","Kabale city in Uganda"}

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