chimpanzee - kibale forest

Chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest National Park

Chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest National Park


The captivating activity of chimpanzee tracking takes center stage in this natural wonder. On the elevated Fort Portal plateau, the park's northern and central regions are enveloped in a tapestry of forest cover. The northern part, graced with copious rainfall of up to 17000 milimeters yearly, seamlessly merges with Queen Elizabeth National Park to the south.

Chimpanzee tracking in Kibale forest national park

Kibale Forest National Park stands as an exceptional remnant of tropical forests, a treasure nestled in western Uganda, boasting the most extensive forest cover in Kabarole district. Encompassing a sprawling 795 kilometers expanse, the park boasts a delightful and diverse array of tropical woodland in Uganda.

Within its verdant embrace resides a myriad of forest-dwelling creatures, including an impressive collection of 13 primate species, with the chimpanzee reigning as a prominent member.

Kibale forest national park, a marvel of varied altitudes, nurtures an electric mix of habitats. From the wet tropical forest on the Fort Portal plateau to the dry forest, woodland, and Savannah decorating the rift valley floor around Kanyanchu in the park's central section, it exudes unparalleled diversity.

Amongst the lofty high forest, majestic evergreen trees rise above 55 meters, cloaking the realm in a semi-closed canopy adorned with layered tree crowns. The undergrowth offers a sparse yet vibrant assortment of shade-tolerant herbs, shrubs, a delightful array of ferns, and broad-leaved forest grasses. The treasure trove of the national park boasts an impressive tally of 351 recorded tree species.

Kibale boasts an unrivaled density and diversity of primates, securing its place as the crown jewel of Africa's primate havens. Among the 13 notable species, the chimpanzee takes center stage. Bearing a striking semblance to humans, these creatures share over 98 percent of their DNA.

The eminent residents also include the elusive l'hoest monkey and East Africa's largest population of the endangered red colobus monkey, accompanied by the black and white colobus and the charismatic blue monkey. The immersive experience of Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale Forest National Park offers a glimpse into their fascinating world.

Adult male chimpanzees, boasting a weight ranging from 35 to 70 kilograms and towering at approximately 3 meters, are matched by adult females, weighing between 26 and 50 kilograms, with a height of 2 to 4 feet.

The life expectancy of a chimpanzee stretches to 40 years, but those in captivity may thrive for 60 years. They are both sociable and remarkably intelligent, displaying remarkable communication skills.

Astonishingly, these primate geniuses wield tools like rocks for nut-cracking, empty pods for extracting water, and sticks for capturing termites from their lairs, knowledge transmitted across generations.

Existing in groups of 10 to 100 members, they exhibit nurturing behavior, babysitting each other's offspring. However, when disturbed, their aggressive and violent tendencies come to the fore. Their diet predominantly consists of leaves, seeds, and flowers.

Uganda offers an extraordinary opportunity for Chimpanzee trekking, with three tracking sessions available in Kibale Forest National Park, morning, mid-morning, and afternoon. Each trek requires a permit priced at 150 dollars per person.

Those seeking a more profound connection with these remarkable beings can opt for the Chimpanzee habituation experience, which provides an immersive full-day encounter at a cost of 220 dollars per person.

Located 26 kilometers southeast of Fort Portal town, Kanyanchu River Camp serves as the primary hub for tourism activities, offering easy access to Kibale Forest National Park. Travelers can approach the park either from Kampala in the north or via Mubende and Fort Portal from the south via Mbarara.

Accommodation options abound, including the exquisite Kibale Primate Lodge, which offers a selection of accommodations, from charming cottages to enchanting tree houses and a luxurious tented camp.

For a more rustic experience, simple cottages are available at Sebitoli, with both locations providing campsites and canteens offering delectable basic meals on request.

Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale Forest National Park emerges as a must do activity for anyone embarking on a safari in Uganda, promising an unforgettable encounter with these enigmatic creatures amid nature's embrace.

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