Female gorilla

Democratic Republic of Congo |

Democratic Republic of Congo |


Democratic Republic of Congo travel advice, map of the Democratic Republic of Congo, top Democratic Republic of Congo travel experiences, and tips for travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo, also known as Democratic Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo-Kinshasa, or simply the Congo, is the southernmost country located in Central Africa. It is sometimes referred to by its former name Zaire, which was its official name between 1971 and 1997.

Musana tours and travel offers Mountain Gorilla Trekking and Lowland Gorilla Trekking, Nyiragongo Volcano Trekking in eastern democratic republic of Congo.

If you're a longtime lover of Africa, sick of safaris and savannah tours, this is time to add a stamp to the Democratic Republic of Congo to your passport. After years of war and bloodshed, the region's doors are slowly opening up to tourism, thanks mainly to the high profile conservation of the western mountain gorillas in the virunga national park.

Serious warning

Deep rural Democratic Republic of Congo is dotted with armies, rebel groups and simple bandits, the major roads are routinely washed out and only the most intrepid of travelers would ignore such travel advice against unguarded rural travel.

Thanks to years of conflict and instability, Democratic Republic of Congo doesn't offer much in the way of large-scale cultural events or festivals. However, as with any other destination, daily life can be as lively and momentous as staged theatrics, so make time to visit local sports matches, concerts and art exhibitions in the cities you visit, and keep an eye out for surprise dances and music in rural areas.

The capital Kinshasa was founded in 1881 as a trading post by Henry Morton Stanley (and called Leopoldville) next to a tiny fishing village. Now it has grown to accommodate about ten million people, and is the second-largest francophone city in the world (after Paris).

It's a surprising city, set on the River Congo and looking across to Brazzaville, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is the intellectual heart of the country, with three universities, and though it does attract the best musicians and artists, its affluent residential areas are outnumbered by sprawling, miserable slums.

The city's sophistication ends with the tarmac though, and that's not far out from the center. Independence from Belgium was followed by the crazed dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko wazabanga: various wars meant there were and are still a lot of functioning guns in circulation. Despite UN initiatives and various ceasefires the country is basically ungoverned.

The only visitors to towns such as Goma and Bukavu are aid workers and they fly in: the roads are generally impassable. This is a shame. Very vast by African standards, the country has mineral wealth and natural beauty. It has the second-largest rainforest in the world (after the Amazon) rising up to the mountains of the east.

There are about five UNESCO biospheres and huge tracts of equatorial jungle but the biggest part of the country remains unexplored. Pack a copy of Joseph Conrad's classic Heart of Darkness, visit your embassy for up-to-date info, and your love of adventure - and look forward to a memorable journey into Africa's unexplored center - the Democratic Republic of Congo

Activities you must look out to in the DRC

Climb Nyiragongo Volcano. Towering over the city of Goma, this spectacular natural wonder last erupted in May 2021. the lava lake at the top is not recommended for swimming in - it may be spectacular, but it's also deadly

Track Gorillas. A momentous effort has been made to open up the Virunga National park with its resident mountain gorillas. Gorilla tracking here is a rather wilder experience than across the border in Rwanda's volcanoes national park and Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park: they have lodges! It's hoped that gorilla tracking will provide a boost to international confidence in Democratic Republic of Congo and protect those gorillas that have survived years of human conflict.

Cross the River. Packed to within an inch of its life, a public ferry commutes Kinshasa to Brazzaville, giving you the chance to get another exotic passport stamp just a step away. Don't get stranded though: it stops running in the afternoon, never runs on Sundays, and sometimes just stops running at all

Musana travel advice if you are going to DR Congo.

All border crossings can close without notice and that includes Kinshasa's airport and the ferry to Brazzaville.

The Democratic Republic of Congo isn't the destination of choice for relaxing breaks or momentous cultural awakenings, but if you are looking for adventure you may get too much.

While in Kinshasa beware of armed robbers, sometimes disguising as as policemen.

Democratic Republic of the Congo - vital stats

Capital of DRC: Kinshasa

Population of DRC: 92,126,284 (2021)

Languages in DRC: French (official), Lingala, Kingwana, Kikongo, Tshiluba

Time in DRC: GMT +1

International dialing code in DRC: +243

Voltage in DRC: 220V 50Hz

Visas in DRC: UK nationals require visas. Visa information

Money in DRC: Congolese franc (CDF), currently around CDF1,980 to the USD. There are not many banks and ATMS in the country and few places accept traveler's cheques or credit cards.

DRC travel advice: Foreign and Commonwealth Office

When to go to DRC

Due to the size and topography of Democratic Republic of Congo, the climate varies greatly. The southern highlands tend to be cooler and drier than the hot and muggy equatorial river basin. North of the equator, the wet season runs April to October, and the dry season from December to February.

Further south, the wet season falls November to March, and the dry from April to October. Plan carefully, as temperature and rainfall can be extreme.

  1. Kinshasa International Airport (FIH), 15km from the city.
  2. Goma international airport

Getting around Democratic Republic of Congo

Getting around the city centers is relatively easy, with buses and taxis serving as simple (yet often rickety) internal public transport. Traveling outside of Democratic Republic of Congo's main cities is, however, a different story. Roads and bridges have often washed out and even main routes are often completely impassable.

Added to this is the fact that independent overland travel through rural areas can be incredibly dangerous thanks to continued instability and lawlessness. The Foreign and Common wealth Office advises strongly against all but essential travel: travel with guides, guards, and a large amount of caution.

Democratic Republic of Congo Accommodation

Top end accommodation (US$200+) in Democratic Republic of Congo's main cities is generally very good quality, with rigorous security, clean rooms, and a wide range of food and drink options.

Lower price hotels and hostels are, as a rule, harder to come by - especially if you're looking for value for money and somewhere secure to store your backpack.

Contact our travel assistant for accommodation tips, and go with an open mind.

Democratic Republic of Congo food and drink

As with most African destinations, buying 'street food' is the simplest and most economical way of feeding yourself. By sticking to local dishes, you'll be eating fresher food, gaining the respect of the locals, and - until you've mastered the messy art of eating fufu or ugali and stew with your fingers - providing the dinnertime entertainment.

The main fare is fufu, or ugali, served with a spicy stew. For the European palette, this often takes a while to adjust to but in rural areas there's little alternative.

Kwanga, a type of fermented bread, is also a staple, as is lituma, a dish of mashed plantain. Fish is plentiful thanks to the River Congo, and goat, although a delicacy is the most common meat.

Enquire about food options in the Congo; remember to specify your destination.

Health and safety in Democratic Republic of Congo

Our on ground teams will always provide updated information about health and safety in the Democratic Republic of Congo, before making any plans TALK TO US as the stability and safety can alter at incredibly short notice. If traveling overland over borders consult be careful to exercise caution at all times.

Armed gangs and rebel armies make overland travel extremely hazardous and the state of the roads can make it impossible. There have been outbreaks of plague, Ebola and the most current Covid-19 and hospital facilities, outside the capital or major towns like Goma, are extremely limited.

Map of Democratic Republic of Congo

Experiences exclusive to Uganda

white water rafting
White water rafting
Mountain Rwenzori
batwa man dancing
Cultural safaris
kid on a canoe

Top safaris in Uganda


2 Days Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Are you in Rwanda and would wish to compare gorilla trekking on this side of Uganda? Do not worry, It only costs you a few extra dollars and a short distance. The tour takes you through the Rwanda - Uganda chyanika board to kisoro town on the Uganda side. Short as it is but its very scenic and surely rewording.

Explore idea $1205

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Silverback face

3 Day Mount Mgahinga Gorilla Trekking Mid-Range Tour

Our 3 Day Mgahinga gorillas will take you to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in south western Uganda. Arrival and departure will be through Kigali, Rwanda. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is the only park in Uganda where mountain gorillas co-exist with golden monkeys. Hence the saying, that it's where “gold meets silver”.

Explore idea $1355

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silverback full photo

4 Day Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park Budget Tour

The 4 day Budget Gorilla Trek and Charitable Cultural Tour takes you to Lake Bunyonyi and the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park. This is the forest that houses the largest number of the world's remaining wild mountain gorillas.

Explore idea $1298

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Uganda safaris

Toursit attractions in Uganda

Blackback mountain gorilla in mgahinga 720

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

More famously, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National park protects over 500 mountain gorillas - roughly half of the world's population, with 23 habituated groups, which can be tracked and a number of solitary individuals.

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Kibale Forest National Park

While many researchers focus on the chimpanzees and other primates found in the park, others are investigating Kibale's ecosystems, wild pigs and fish species, among other topics

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gazelle head

Kidepo National Park

Kidepo is Uganda's most isolated national park, but the few who make the long journey north through the wild frontier region of Karamoja would agree that it is also the most magnificent, for Kidepo ranks among Africa's finest wildernesses

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Close up head photo of a uganda kob

Lake Mburo National Park

The parks' precarious past has seen wildlife virtually eliminated several times: firstly in various attempts to rid the region of tsetse flies, then to make way for ranches, and finally as a result of subsistence poaching

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mount elgon peaks

Mount Elgon National Park

At 4,000km² Mt. Elgon has the largest volcanic base in the world. Located on the Uganda - Kenya border it is also the oldest and largest solitary, volcanic mountain in East Africa.

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murchison falls

Murchison Falls National Park

The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45meters over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls, the centerpiece of the park and the final event in an 80kilometers stretch of rapids

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lone lion

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is understandably Uganda's most popular tourist destination. The park's diverse ecosystems, which include sprawling savanna, shady, humid woodland forests, sparkling lakes and fertile wetlands,

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Rwenzori mountain

Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park protects the highest parts of the 120km-long and 65km-wide Rwenzori mountain range

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sempaya hotspring

Semliki National Park

Semuliki National Park sprawls across the floor of the Semuliki Valley on the remote, western side of the Rwenzori.

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sempaya hotspring

The source of the Nile

The source of all this tumult is marked by a modest sign that reads “The Source of River Nile - Jinja - World's Longest River” at Ripon Falls, a series of cataracts that are partially submerged due to dams constructed downriver

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rhino in zziwa

Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary

The Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary is playing a crucial role in the conservation efforts for the white rhinoceros, which is one of Africa's most endangered species.

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sleeping gorilla

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is a protected area located in southwestern Uganda, on the border with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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sipi falls

Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls is a stunning waterfall located in eastern Uganda, near the town of Kapchorwa. It is considered one of the most beautiful natural attractions in the country and draws tourists from all over the world.

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water buck

Pian Upe Game Reserve

Pian Upe is known for its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, offering visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.

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Sempaya hot springs

Sempaya Hot Springs

The Sempaya Hot Springs consist of two main springs: the male spring, known as "Bintente," and the female spring, known as "Nyasimbi." These springs are named after ancestral spirits that are believed to reside in the area.

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News and updates

Birding in Kibale Forest National Park

While the park is renowned for its population of chimpanzees, it is also a haven for birdwatchers. With over 375 bird species recorded within its boundaries, Kibale offers a unique and exhilarating birding experience.

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Gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda is not just an adventure; it’s a profound experience that connects you with nature and offers a glimpse into the lives of these majestic creatures.

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Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda: Ultimate Tips and Travel Advice

Preparing for a successful trek involves more than just enthusiasm. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential tips and travel advice to ensure your gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda is unforgettable.

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